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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Boys fashionable hairstyles and trend.

  Boys are always fashionable .Boys’ hairstyles have to be basically simple, easy to control and trendy. The shifting trends of fashion have influenced the hairstyles sported by boys. Boys are an active bunch and prefer hairstyles that allow them to engage in all kinds of activities.
 While choosing boys’ hairstyles, parents should remember to choose hairstyles that do not hinder their activities but still enhance their looks.

Another Popular hair cut is classic buzz haircuts among boys’ hairstyles. These hairstyles are easy to maintain. The hair is cut very short with a razor, in this haircut. Buzz cuts suit all boys irrespective of their hair texture. The hairstyle is apt for summers, when the heat surges and hinders their play.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Latest fall and Winter Hair Color Trends

 Fall and winter are usually the seasons for rich, dark hair colors, but blondes can have fun too with color technique like "mincing".
 Popular with the younger generation, mincing involves putting vivacious highlights on the under layer of hair so it peeks out through the top layers to create an impressive, attention-getting effect.
 For the more conservative among us, fall - winter offers a subtle and beautiful alternative. It's a technique that randomly places mulch-hued highlights on hidden layers of hair, so when the hair moves, the colors jump out and create an eye-catching effect.
 Fashionable base hair colors for fall and winter are deep beige, chestnut, and dark chocolate brunette with highlights in the reddish tones like copper and maroon.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cool Hairstyles Short Hair for men

A number of the best hairstyles and easiest to maintain are short layered hairstyles, which can be worn with highlights and can be styled with ones fingers
.It is the kind of look that even if you just got out of bed your hair is still wonderful and unchanged.
Some of the more famous celebrity like George Clooney, Brad Pitt and David Beckham are great when it comes to hairstyles for men to watch.
 It is a sure champion if they are wearing the latest superstar hairstyles. I have listed a attractive big photo gallery of cool and hip haircuts for men that I think you may like
So men short hair styles increasing day by day, we can easily take perfect personality.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hair style for Men in 2011(Square Shape)

 Now a days hair style can vital role in your fashion, so you have to know which style match you.

This year's hairstyles are far less scrupulous than 2010's (remember the side part?).
One of the major trends for black men is short hair with a very square shape.
In general, longer lengths are emphasized for most hair types in 2011

One of the main trends for black men in 2011 is short hair with a very square shape. This hairstyle is a throwback to the looks that conquered the 1950s, but super sharp lines and negligible volume keep everything up to date.

Check out Jon Jones’ cut for an example of how to do this style right, then head to your barber and request a cut of an identical length that’s cropped quite close to your scalp, explaining that you want your hair to form a straight line across your forehead and also down the sides. A supplementary advantage of this cut is that it will make your face show more masculine. So you can try this hair style.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Layered hair cut stylish and fasionable

Well friends now we are going to introduce layered hair cut. Learn to cut a quick layered hair cut .Sharp cutters and straight lines make this simple and reasonable.
 Using an easy system can give you a rapid, layered cut. This method can be accomplished with long or short hair. By short we are talking about shoulder length. Long hair would be measured anything longer than shoulder length.
 Appropriate tools are possibly the hardest part of this haircut. A pair of sharp scissors is a must. Most trouble with do it yourself haircuts comes from using scissors that are dull. It is not possible to make straight, clean cuts with dull scissors. Most hair cutting scissors found in grocery or drug stores will work just fine. They usually don not retain their sharpness as long as a costly pair but they work for a while.

A well tooth comb is another tool that will make this cut go fast and easy. Any type of comb is fine as long as you can comb the hair our consistently. Hair must be combed out evenly and a fine tooth comb works well. Clean hair is also a must for this cut to work. Hair can be wet or dry although most people favor wet cutting. Make sure that hair is shampooed and snarls are combed out. The hair must be free from residue such as hair spray and gel. Make sure that you cut your hair in an area away from food and where the hair can drop freely onto the floor.

If you are trying this cut on yourself don not bother with a plastic covering for your clothes or a towel around your shoulders. If will just get in the way and make it difficult for you to cut. The cut can be done in front of a mirror to make sure all of the hair is tangle free and smoothed out, but the actual cutting will be done by looking at the hair.

With a couple of sharp scissors, a fine tooth comb, and clean hair that are tangle free, you are ready to begin the cut. The clarification of this cut will be cutting your own hair. It can be adapted to cut someone else is. Stand up, feet one foot to one and a half feet apart. Bend over, flipping hair towards the floor. Comb hair out directly and smooth. Make a hair cut straight across your hair. Depending on the thickness of the hair, you may need to make more than one cut. Just cut horizontally as straight as possible. The length from the top of your head to the scissors is how long the top layer of hair will be. All hair beneath the top of your head will be longer. If your cut is three inches from the top of your head, your top layer will be three inches and neckline layer will be approximately nine inches. All the other hair will be layered to lengths in between three and nine inches.

Be alert not to lock your knees. Locking your knees can lead to light-headedness. You may already feel some light-headedness by bending over. If you need to stop, do so, then repeat the process beginning where you left off, cutting as horizontally straight as you can.

Dear, you can now easily make you fashionable and stylish with your new haircutting technique.

Short and attractive hair for women

Short hair style is always attractive .This cut is extremely stylish and looks very elegant — this is a changeless look that any woman can pull off at anytime. Her hair has been brushed forward on her forehead which gives her overall outward show a clean seductive look. So we can easily make us very attractive with short hair style.

This is a short gorgeous cut. Very easy to achieve. The thick bangs have been cut evenly on the forehead and her hair has been trimmed neatly around her ears.

Hair Color:
This is a lovely medium Auburn color that suits her face perfectly.
Suitable For:
Face shapes: Oval, Heart, and Round
Hair texture: Thin, Medium
Hair density: Medium


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Men long hair style With ROCK N ROLL

Now most of the men want to maintain long hair, and day by day this trend is increasing dramatically. Lengthy hair is meant to be fun and who has more fun than a rock star! Auspiciously the day of the big-hair bands are over, so no need to run out and perm that long hair. Instead, the movement seems to be smooth straight longer strands that fall about shoulder length.
  You can choose to cut your hair all one extent, or have a light layering approximately the face as pictured on this model. When styling your hair, you will want to use a straightening balm or serum. This will help to smooth out any wind or sign to the hair.
  If you want to take it a step more and get your hair super straight, once dry, use a flat iron on your hair. Section the hair off in half an inch sections, starting at the nape, and work your way up to the top. Keeps the flatiron moving on the hair, working it from the root and running down to the tips of the hair strand? Do this technique to the entire head of hair and once complete, you will have stuck straight hair! Piece out the tips by applying a hair wax through the ends. You will be prepared to rock and roll! Ok I will try to give you more info about Men long hair style latter. Thank you all.

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